Capital Market institutions invest assets locally, in the Common Monetary Area (CMA), and offshore. Overall, the Total Assets of Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) stand at E95.3 billion.
By Ntokozo Nkambule
The value of assets in the Capital Markets in the country is valued at over E32.4 billion. This is according to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority Quarterly Statistical Report for December 2021.
The Statistical Report notes that the value of assets in the capital markets sector was E32.4 billion in December 2021, which is an increase of 2% from previous the previous quarter. Assets Under Management (AUM) were valued at E8.7 billion in the quarter under review, while Assets Under Advisory (AUA) from Investment Advisors was valued at E23.8 billion.

The Capital Markets space comprises twenty-seven (27) licensed entities. Six of those are Collective Investment Schemes (6), fourteen are Investment Advisors (14), Trustees, two (2), Exempt Dealers, one (1), Stockbrokers, two (2), and Securities Exchange one (1).
Some of the entities operating in the space include; African Alliance, Sanlam, Inhlonhla, Aluwani, BLZI, Imbewu Yesive, Old Mutual, and Stanlib. According to the report assets managed by the capital markets are invested domestically, in the Common Monetary Area (CMA), and in offshore jurisdictions.
In terms of investment split, E5.1 billion is invested in the local market, and E2.9 billion is invested in the CMA region, with only E689 million invested offshore.
The Total Assets of Non-Banking Financial Institutions (NBFI) regulated by the Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) stands at E95.3 billion.
Overall Value of Non-Banking Financial Institutions
Capital Markets – E32.4 Billion
Credit & Savings Institutions – E12.8 Billion
Long Term Insurers- E5.2 Billion
Short Term Insurers- E1.4 Billion
Retirement Fund Assets- E42.6 Billion
Please note figures may have changed as the article is predicated on the December 2021 Quarterly Report.
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