RSTP Has The Potential To Become Technological Hub Of Africa 

By Sizwe Dlamini 

The Minister of Information Communication & Technology (ICT), Savanna Maziya, says the Royal Science & Technology Park (RSTP) has the potential to become the technological hub of Africa within a year, provided it can attract the right people and resources.

Speaking at the UNCT Retreat 2024 event hosted by the UN Eswatini at the UN House in Mbabane on August 28th, the Minister emphasized that for RSTP to achieve this ambitious goal, it needs to focus on several key areas.

The Minister stated that RSTP only needs a year to become the central hub of technology and lead in ICT in Africa. To achieve this, people first need to be connected to the government by bringing services to places like “Etinkundleni,” mobile phones, or libraries.

Dedicated power for ICT is also one of the key ingredients for the country’s leadership in this sector, as ICT is energy-intensive; therefore, a sustainable power supply is essential.

“Let’s also discuss the importance of bringing in robotics and the potential for manufacturing microchips,” she said.

Maziya raised concerns about the country not effectively utilizing its relationship with Taiwan, which is one of the world’s leading countries in microchip manufacturing. Eswatini must reach a point where it can secure microchips from Taiwan to lead in technological advancements in Africa.

The Minister noted that while Eswatini cannot compete directly with South Africa, it can find a niche where it can be agile and excel, benchmarking itself against developed countries. The country must learn from the successful strategies of other small nations.

She emphasized the importance of involving young minds in leadership roles and creating a conducive environment for them to contribute to problem-solving and wealth creation within the ICT sector. This calls for creating a supportive space in ICT to ensure that fresh young minds are actively engaged in wealth creation and inclusion.

RSTP will be a place where the youth is involved in creating solutions and addressing challenges faced by Eswatini and the world. By finding unique niches and forming strategic partnerships, RSTP can become a shining example of technological excellence on the African continent within a year.

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