• ESEPARC Eswatini National Skill Audit Report reveals that top management skills are deficient because they are not supplied by local training institutions
  • The report recommends that Eswatini must adopt a nationally dedicated human resource development policy that will coordinate and guide training in all sectors of the economy

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By Ntokozo Nkambule

“Generally, management positions have the most observed skill deficiencies largely because they require higher-level qualifications which are not produced by local training institutions” This is according to the Eswatini National Skills Audit Report presented by the Eswatini Economic Policy Analysis and Research Centre (ESEPARC).

The Report notes that most skills supplied in the economy do not meet industry requirements on the level of qualification held by employees, a lack of related work experience, or relevance of the programme to the job description. ESEPARC in the Report recommends vehemently that for effective skills development to take place in the country a nationally dedicated human resources development policy must be implemented which will coordinate and guide training in all sectors of the economy. The research undertaken by ESEPARC is aimed at developing an inventory of the skills in Eswatini’s labour market, and identifying future skills needs in relation to labour market shifts, industrial development and industry needs. The Report also aims to provide valuable insights that would help reposition the country to close the gap between the skills demanded by the economy versus the skills supplied by the education and training system.

Causes of Skills Gap in Eswatini

  • Problem with tertiary institutions not providing the relevant skills for industry needs
  • Lack of technical/practical skills/recruits perform poorly on the job when employed
  • Lack of work experience
  • Company/organization does not pay enough
  • A highly specialized sector that requires expertise and training institutions not providing the required expertise
  • The field of study of the employees does not correspond to the fields of study required to perform the job Hiring process
  • Hiring Process

*To read the whole report please visit and download the full report

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